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Sportsmanship Winner Mast. Siddhant Kaore Blue Ridge Public School, 5th Std, Pune It is game time, everybody in your team is ready. As the game goes on, a foul occurs. To your surprise, the opponent ...
You are What You Eat Winner Ms. Mugdha Deshpande The Kalyani School, Pune Over 90 per cent of students consider a career in sports as a reliable option resulting in a literal race amongst them ...
Importance of Fitness in Sports Winner Ms. Disha Jain The Orchid School, Pune Be stronger than your excuses’ are the words that make me go out for a run, after hours of making excuses. Today’s ...
Why should cricket have all the fun? Winner Mast.Abhinav Kumar Dhruv Global School, Pune India is a vast country. There is a prodigious number of sports played in India. When India was ruled by the ...
Sports is not just about the competition Winner Ms. Avani Apte The Orchid School, Pune Go out and play and stop alternatively playing Pubg and studying!” Ma: “Ma! I am a slow runner, I will ...
Sports from a young age: is it beneficial? Winner Anirudh Nambudri The Kalyani School, Pune India is a country where sports is in the blood, but most people don’t realise its importance. Likewise, in ...
Do you think there should be a mixed team for the school? Winner Ms. Azina Memon The Sardar Dastur Nosherwan Girl’s High School, Pune Yes, I think there should be a team of both girls ...
Role of mental training in sports Winner Ms. Urja Milind Deshmukh Lexicon International School, Kalyani Nagar It’s not whether you run or a mile or two, it’s not about swimming five laps or six, it’s ...
Why Indian sportsperson are not able to make their mark in the Olympics? Winner Ms. Devina Bajaj The Kalyani School, Pune. The Olympic Games are leading international sports events featuring summer and winter sports and ...