Chief Editors Note August



-by Mr. Bhushan N. Thakur

(Founder & Chief Editor of Sports Champ)


Sports Champ has taken next step towards sports education by organising Sports Champ Talk Show Episode 1 on ‘Role of Physiotherapy’ in the world of sports which was a ninety minutes seminar where we interviewed Dr Tariq Sheikh, a renowned sports physiotherapist. He shared his deep insights into physiotherapy’s role in sports, which was an eye-opener for many. We created a 30-minute video of the talk show and circulated it across all the subscribed schools of Maharashtra and requested the principals to show the video to the students on a projector in their school. This will give them clarity on many aspects of sports physiotherapy, to play longer and play stronger.
Cheers !!!
(Mr. Bhushan Thakur is an International Table Tennis player, represented India on various platforms)